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DIY Survival Spear/ Walking Stick



                      DIY Survival Spear/ Walking Stick

Easy to build, with readily available materials, the spear has a long history. With this simple but effective weapon, Paleolithic hunters harvested mastodons and fought off saber-tooth cats.
Roman legions used them against their enemies too. They were modified into the pike too, which is a spear with an extra long shaft.
Anyway, before I get carried away with historical rants, I’ve found some very good videos that will show you how to make a spear with a removable point.
The shaft is a broom handle essentially. The blade is a Cold Steel knife, which has a hollow, tapered handle that allows it to be mounted on a shaft.
Of course, you can also go primitive and cut your own shaft, mount a DIY survival knife, like the one I described earlier in this article.
The video I’ve selected uses the Cold Steel blade, and I think it’s the best one. I think you’ll agree.

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