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DIY Survival Knife



DIY Survival Knife

Knifemaking is an art and an ancient one at that.
But even if you lack that particular skill set, you can still make yourself a basic version that will cut and stab. You can make it with just a hacksaw or a Sawzall blade.
You’ll also need some paracord to wrap the handle. And of course, you’ll need either a metal file or a grinder.
By grinding, filing and beveling the edge, you will end up with a simple blade. Not the tough one ever, but one that can still be useful in a survival scenario.
I watched a lot of videos that were pretty advanced in the knife making skills department but I decided to share one that is more “homespun”. It doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, but it’s easy to make, especially if you have a grinder.
Also, this method is easy on the wallet

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